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MCQs on Metaphysical Poetry


MCQs on Metaphysical Poetry

Q1. The Puritan Poetry is also named:

  1. Jacobean poetry
  2. Caroline poetry
  3. Both a and b

Answer: c

Q2. John Donne, Herrick, Thomas Carew, Richard Crashaw, Henry Vaughan, George Herbert and Lord Herbert of Cherbury were belong to which school of poets?

  1. The school of Spenser
  2. Metaphysical school
  3. The Cavalier Poets

Answer: b

Q3. Who was the leader of metaphysical poets?

  1. John Donne
  2. George Herbert
  3. Herrick

Answer: a

Q4. Why these poets are called the metaphysical poets?

  1. They are highly philosophical
  2. Their poetry contain display of learning and far-fetched similes and metaphors
  3. Both a and b

Answer: c

Q5. Who used the term “metaphysical” in his essay on Abraham Cowley in his Lives of the Poets?

  1. Ben Johnson
  2. Dr. Johnson
  3. John Donne

Answer: b

Q6. One important feature of metaphysical school “discovery of occult resemblances in things apparently unlike” was mentioned by:

  1. Dr. Johnson
  2. John Donne
  3. George Herbert

Answer: a

Q7. The metaphysical poets were:

  1. honest, original thinkers
  2. analyse  their feelings and experience, hoped for immortality
  3. both a and b

Answer: c

Q8. Metaphysical poets were perversely strange and strained, was remarked by:

  1. Herrick
  2. Dr. Johnson
  3. Ben Johnson

Answer: b

Q9. Who had a very chequered career until he became the Dean of St. Paul?

  1. Dr. Johnson
  2. Herrick
  3. John Donne

Answer: c

Q10. The best-known works of John Donne are:

  1. The Progress of the Soul, An Anatomy of the World
  2. An elegy, Epithalamium
  3. Both a and b

Answer: c

Q11. John Donne poetry can be divided into three parts which includes:

  1. Amorous
  2. Metaphysical
  3. Satirical
  4. All of the above

Answer: d

Q12. In his which lyrics, John Donne broke away from the Petrarchan model so popular among the Elizabethan poets and expressed the experience of love in a realistic manner?

  1. Amorous
  2. Metaphysical
  3. Satirical

Answer: a

Q13. Which work of John Donne pursues the passage of the soul through various transmigrations, including those of a bird and fish, is a fine illustration of his metaphysical poetry?

  1. The Progress of the Soul
  2. Metampsychosis
  3. Both a and b

Answer: c

Q14. On account of his metrical roughness, obscurity, ardent imagination, taste for metaphysics and unexpected divergence into sweet and delightful music, John Donne has often been compared to which literary personality?

  1. Browning
  2. Henry Vaughan
  3. Robert Herrick

Answer: a

Q15. Like Browning, who has no sympathy for the reader who cannot follow his keen and incisive thought, while his poetry is most difficult to understand because of its careless versification and excessive terseness?

  1. William Drummond
  2. John Donne
  3. George Wither

Answer: b

Q16. Who wrote amorous as well as religious verse?

  1. Thomas Carew
  2. Henry Vaughan
  3. Robert Herrick

Answer: c

Q17. “Persuasions of Love” is a fine piece of rhythmic cadence and harmony, of which metaphysical poets?

  1. Thomas Carew
  2. Henry Vaughan
  3. Robert Herrick

Answer: a

Q18. “The Flaming Heart” is the best work of which metaphysical poets?

  1. George Herbert
  2. Richard Crashaw
  3. Robert Herrick

Answer: b

Q19. Which metaphysical poet was a mystic like Richard Crashaw?

  1. George Herbert
  2. Robert Herrick
  3. Henry Vaughan

Answer: c

Q20. Who is best remembered as the author of an autobiography?

  1. Lord Herbert of Cherbury
  2. Robert Herrick
  3. Henry Vaughan

Answer: a

Q21. Among metaphysical poets, who is famous for his “Pindaric Odes”, which influenced English poetry throughout the eighteenth century?

  1. Henry Vaughan
  2. Robert Herrick
  3. Abraham Cowley

Answer: c

Q22. Andrew Marvel is famous for his loyal friendship with __________.

  1. Milton
  2. Shakespeare
  3. John Donne

Answer: a

Q23.Who was the first to use the ‘closed’ couplet which dominated English poetry for the next century?

  1. Abraham Cowley
  2. Edmund Waller
  3. Andrew Marvel

Answer: b



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