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Elizabethan Prose and Poetry

 Elizabethan Prose and Poetry

1) The sonnet was first brought to England by
     Sir Thomas Wyatt
2) The first blank verse in English is written by
     Earl of Surry
3) How many lines does the sonnet contain?
    ANS.   14
4) What is the structure of a Shakespearean sonnet?
    ANS.   ababcdcdefefgg
5) What is Marlowe’s “Mighty Line”?
    ANS.  Blank Verse
5) Who made blank verse the regular metre of epic?
6) Songs and Sonnets is written by
7) “Since there’s no help, come let us kiss and part” is written by
8) The sonnets of Shakespeare were printed in
9) The sonnets of Shakespeare may be addressed to
William Herbert (Mr.W.H.)
10) Who wrote the following lines?
“But were some child of yours alive that time
You should live twice – in it, and in my rhyme”
11) Spenser wrote The Shepherd’s Calendar in the year
12) The Faerie Queene is written by
Edmund Spenser
13) The Faerie Queene is written in
6 books
14) The rhyme plan of a Spenserian stanza is
15) In 1594, Spenser married
Elizabeth Boyle
16) Which one of the following is a marriage song?
17) The line “Sweet Thames run softly till I end my song.” appears in
18) The title of Spenser’s collection of sonnets is

19) The Elizabethan Age was especially congenial for
20) Sir Philip Sidney was killed in the battle of
21) The title of Sidney’s book of sonnets is
Astrophel and Stella
22) Who was the soldier, sailor, explorer, courtier and writer of the Elizabethan
Sir Walter Raleigh
23) Identify the source of the following line
“O mistress mine, where are you roaming?”
Twelfth Night
24) The longer poems Venus and Adonis and Lucrece are written by
William Shakespeare
25) The lyric Passionate Shepherd to his Love is written by
26) Identify the writer of the following lines
“Come live with me and be my love
And we will all the pleasures prove”
27) John Donne is the greatest
Metaphysical Poet
28) The poem Go and Catch the Falling Star is written by
 John Donne
29) John Donne was
 Lawyer and Priest
30) Who wrote The Songs and Sonnets?
31) To Celia is written by
 Ben Jonson
32) Identify the author of the following lines
“Drink to me only with thine eyes,
And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kiss but in the cup,
And I’ll not look for wine”
 Ben Jonson
33) Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans was translated by
 Sir Thomas North
34) Who used Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans as a storehouse of
William Shakespeare
35) Identify the author of The Principle NavigationsVoyages and Discoveries
of the English Nations
Richard Hakluyt
36) The Principle NavigationsVoyages and Discoveries of the English Nations
were published in
37) Purchas his Pilgrims was published in
38) The history book Chronicles (1577) is written by
39) Who used Chronicles as a source book for writing his/their history plays?
a) Shakespeare b) Marlowe
40) Euphues is written by
John Lyly
41) “They are commonly soonest believed that are best beloved, and they liked
best whom we have known longest.” This example of the style of speaking is
known as    Euphuism
42) Who is the author of Pandosto?
  Robert Greene
43) Pandosto is used by Shakespeare as a source for the plot of his play
  The Winter’s Tale
44) The picaresque novel The life of Jack Wilton is written by
 Thomas Nah
45) Picaresque novels were first written in
46) Bacon’s Essays first appeared in the year
47) “Some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not
curiously; and some few to be read wholly.” Comes from Bacon’s essay
 Of Studies


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