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Elizabethan Poetry and Drama Mcq's


Q1. The most remarkable achievement during the Elizabethan Period in English literature was in Q1. The most remarkable achievement during the Elizabethan Period in English literature was in the field of:

a)      poetry

b)      prose

c)       drama

Answer: c

Q2. On which model, some academic writers made attempts to write original plays in English about the middle of the sixteenth century?

a)      Turkish

b)      Latin

c)       Rome

Answer: b

Q3. The three important plays on the Latin model were

a)      Ralph Roister Doister

b)      Grummar Gurton’s Needle

c)       Gorbuduc or Ferrex and Porrex

d)      All of the above

Answer: d

Q4. The literary work of Nicholas Udall in the field of Elizabethan drama was:

a)      Ralph Roister Doister

b)      Grummar Gurton’s Needle

c)       Gorbuduc or Ferrex and Porrex

Answer: a

Q5. Gorbuduc or Ferrex and Porrex was the play of which Elizabethan dramatist?

a)      Thomas Sackville

b)      John Still

c)       Nicholas Udall

Answer: a

Q6. Which type of play was the Ralph Roister Doister?

a)      Tragedy

b)      Comedy

c)       Satire

Answer: b

Q7. The play Gorbuduc or Ferrex and Porrex was a:

a)      Tragedy

b)      Comedy

c)       Satire

Answer: a

Q8. The second period of Elizabethan Drama was dominated by:

a)      Shakespeare

b)      University Wits

c)       Ben Johnson

Answer: b

Q9.Who was the central sun among the University Wits?

a)      John Lyly

b)      Robert Greene

c)       Christopher Marlowe

Answer: c

Q10. The minors stars of the University Wits includes:

a)      Thomas Kyd, John Lyly

b)      Robert Greene, George Peele

c)       Both a and b

Answer: c

Q11. The author of Euphues was:

a)      George Peele(1558-1597)

b)      John Lyly(1554-1606)

c)       Thomas Kyd(1558-1595)

Answer: b

Q12. Compaspe (1581), Sapho and Phao(1584), Endymion(1591) and Midas (1592) were the plays written by:

a)      George Peele(1558-1597)

b)      Robert Greene(1560-1592)

c)       John Lyly(1554-1606)

Answer: c

Q13. The plays of John Lyly were written in:

a)      essay

b)      prose

c)       novel

Answer: b

Q14.Who was an actor as well as writer of plays among the University Wits?

a)      George Peele(1558-1597)

b)      John Lyly(1554-1606)

c)       Thomas Kyd(1558-1595)

Answer: a

Q15.Except Marlowe who wrote some half dozen plays among his group?

a)      Thomas Kyd(1558-1595)

b)      Robert Greene(1560-1592)

c)       George Peele(1558-1597)

Answer: c

Q16. The earnest work of George Peele was:

a)      The Arraignment of Paris (1584)

b)      David and Bathsheba (1599)

c)       Both a and b

Answer: a

Q17. Which plays/play of George Peele contains an elaborate eulogy of Queen Elizabeth, is really a court play of the Masque order?

a)      The Arraignment of Paris (1584)

b)      David and Bathsheba (1599)

c)       Both a and b

Answer: a

Q18. Like Marlowe, which University Wits was responsible for giving the blank verse musical quality, which later attained perfection in the deft hands of Shakespeare?

a)      Thomas Kyd(1558-1595)

b)      Robert Greene(1560-1592)

c)       George Peele(1558-1597)

Answer: c

Q19. The first work of Thomas Kyd in English Literature, translated in many European languages was: 

a)      David and Bathsheba 

b)      Spanish Tragedy

c)       Sapho and Phao

Answer: b

Q20. Among University Wits, who introduced the ‘blood and thunder’ element in drama was:

a)      George Peele(1558-1597)

b)      John Lyly(1554-1606)

c)       Thomas Kyd(1558-1595)

Answer: c

Q21. Orlando Furioso, Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, Alphonsus King of Aragon and George a Greene were the plays of which University Wits?

a)      Thomas Kyd(1558-1595)

b)      Robert Greene(1560-1592)

c)       George Peele(1558-1597)

Answer: b

Q22. The most effective play of Robert Greene, which deals partly with the tricks of the Friar, and partly with a simple love story between two men with one maid was:

a)      Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay

b)      George a Greene

c)       Orlando Furioso

Answer: a

Q23. Who achieved distinction by the vigorous humanity of his characterisation?

a)      Thomas Kyd(1558-1595)

b)      Robert Greene(1560-1592)

c)       George Peele(1558-1597)

Answer: b

Q24.The first play of Christopher Marlowe was:

a)      The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

b)      The Jew of Malta

c)       Tamburlaine

Answer: c

Q25.When was Tamburlaine, the first play of Marlowe published?

a)      1586

b)      1587

c)       1589

Answer: b  

Q26. In which play Marlowe told about the story of the scholar who sells his soul to the Devil for worldly enjoyment and unlimited power, is presented in a most fascinating manner?

a)      The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

b)      Edward II

c)       Tamburlaine

Answer: a


 O soul, be changed into little water-drops                                                                                 

 And fall into the ocean, ne’er be found!                                                                                       

 Ugly hell, gape not! Come not, Lucifer!                                                                                     

  I’ll burn my books!                                                                                                                         

  The above lines taken from which Marlowe’s play?

a)      Tamburlaine

b)      The Jew of Malta

c)       The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

Answer: c

Q28. The third tragedy of Marlowe was:

a)      Tamburlaine

b)      The Jew of Malta

c)       Edward II

Answer: b

Q29. Which of the following is the last play of Marlowe?

a)      Edward II

b)      The Jew of Malta

c)       Tamburlaine

Answer: a

Q30. From which literary personality, Marlowe’s plays were quite different in style and content? 

a)      Sir Philip Sidney

b)      Sir Thomas More

c)       William Shakespeare

Answer: c

Q31. Who has been rightly called the father of English Dramatic Poetry?

a)      Sir Philip Sidney

b)      Christopher Marlowe

c)       William Shakespeare

Answer: b

Written by:
Prof. Qasim Nazar
Punjab College Sambrial




  1. Syeda Mubeen Zahra


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