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My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last: Poem # 14, First Year English

My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last

Who is Bhulla Shah?

The original name of Bhullah was Abdullah Shah. He was born at Uch Gilanian (Bahawalpur) in the family of Syeds. He moved with his father to Qasur. Earliest themes of his poems point to a consciousness (understanding) of two phenomena - an incorrect sense of divinity among the people and their feelings of the position of a divine secret. Bhulla Shah, however, passed this secret within him, which was becoming a kind of pain because it could not be told. At a deeper level, his poetry records the suffering of lonely man, who had seen through appearance of the received faith, and could not feel one with his social surroundings. He understood his faith as love which strains towards a union with God. He felt within him a longing to unite with God whom he took as his beloved on the mystical plane.  He moved towards theological sufism in which God is seen in everything. His 156 kafys (mystical devotional poems) are a supreme expression of his live for and devotion to God.

My Neighbouring friend breathing his last (Poem) 

My neighbours friend breathing his last , 
What should I do,O God,Aghast!
He is to leave, now can't remain,
He is to leave,now cant the train, 
 What should I do, O God, Aghast.

On everyday decamping, 
At every place are shrieks in stock , 
What should I do,O God ,Aghast. 

 Flare up flames in heart to height,
For,visible is not charming sight.
What should I do,O God,Aghast.

 Without His love,Bullah in loss,
Can hardly dwell here or across 
 What should I do,O God,Aghast.

Words' Meanings: 
Aghast: Terrified
Decamping: Going away secretly
Shrieks: Cries
Flare up: Burst into bright flame

Theme of the poem
The death of a neighbour friend terrifies the poet and puts him in a state of shock. The dead leave this world and leave behind the relatives to mourn for them. Everything charming in the world becomes invisible. The only appreciable thing is the love of God without which everyone is at a loss.

Explanation of the Poem (My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last)
The death of a dear friend is a tragedy for a noble person because he cannot find another friend like him easily. He even wants to die like his friend to keep his company in the other world. He really does not know what he can do or how he can pass his life in the absence of his friend. It is so because he is truly devoted to his friend. 

Anywhere the poet goes after the death of his friend, he feels his absence. Everywhere he sees pain and sorrow expressed by people on the death (or demise) of their near ones. in this hopeless situation, he begins feeling the pains of others as well. Inside him he feels that fire of grief (sadness) is burning which consumes him. Very naturally he begins feeling his nearness to God to get God Almighty's love and mercy. This feeling provides him the much needed support. He decides to live on hopefully and to pass his life as he did earlier. 

1.       When does a person remember Allah?
          A person remembers Allah when he is in trouble or when someone very dear to him dies before his eyes.
2.       How can we overcome all of our fears and losses?
          We can overcome all of our fears and losses if we have true love of Allah.
3.       What is the effect of the death scene?
          The death has always been very shocking and painful. The death scene makes a person realize that life is temporary. Every person has to die sooner or later.

4.       Why does a person feel helpless on the death of a friend?
          A person feels helpless on the death of a friend because he cannot save him or bring him back. He is helpless before the decree of Allah. Death is a bitter reality which every person will face. It can only be borne with the love of Allah.
5.       Why does the poet feel helpless on the death his friend?
          The poet feels helpless on the death his friend because he cannot save him or bring him back. He is helpless before the decree of Allah.
6.       Why is the poet unhappy on the death of his friend?
          The poet is unhappy on the death of his friend because the poet has spiritual attachment with his neighbour friend.
7.       What does flare up flames in heart to height?
          The death of neighbour friend flares up the flames in heart to height because now the poet cannot see his dear friend any longer.
8.       Without whose love is Bullah in loss?
           Bullah says that he is in loss without the love of Allah because the love of Allah is the real love whereas all other loves are false because they fade away as time passes where as the love of Allah remains for good.
9.       What is the main idea/theme of the poem? Or what lesson do you get after reading this poem?
           The poet says that death is the reality of life. The love of Allah is the real love whereas all other loves are false because they fade away as time passes where as the love of Allah remains for good. Man cannot bear the pain of death of his friends and relatives. He can do so if only he is in true love with Allah.


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