has two main functions,” the poet and scholar Robert Graves wrote in 1955. “The
first is to answer the sort of awkward questions that children ask, such as
‘Who made the world? How will it end? Who was the first man? Where do souls go
after death?’…The second function of myth is to justify an existing social
system and account for traditional rites and customs.” In ancient Greece,
stories about gods and goddesses and heroes and monsters were an important part
of everyday life. They explained everything from religious rituals to the
weather, and they gave meaning to the world people saw around them.
Mythology: Sources
Greek mythology, there is no single original text like the Christian Bible or
the Hindu Vedas that introduces all of the myths’ characters and stories.
Instead, the earliest Greek myths were part of an oral tradition that began in
the Bronze Age,
and their plots and themes unfolded gradually in the written literature of the
archaic and classical periods. The poet Homer’s 8th-century BC epics the Iliad
and the Odyssey, for example, tell the story of the (mythical) Trojan War as
a divine conflict as well as a human one. They do not, however, bother to
introduce the gods and goddesses who are their main characters, since readers
and listeners would already have been familiar with them.
700 BC, the poet Hesiod’s Theogony offered the first written cosmogony, or
origin story, of Greek mythology. The Theogony tells the story of the
universe’s journey from nothingness (Chaos, a primeval void) to being, and
details an elaborate family tree of elements, gods and goddesses who evolved
from Chaos and descended from Gaia (Earth), Ouranos (Sky), Pontos (Sea) and
Tartaros (the Underworld).
Greek writers and artists used and elaborated upon these sources in their own
work. For instance, mythological figures and events appear in the 5th-century
plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides and the lyric poems of Pindar.
Writers such as the 2nd-century BC Greek mythographer Apollodorus of Athens and
the 1st-century BC Roman historian Gaius Julius Hyginus compiled the ancient
myths and legends for contemporary audiences.
Mythology: The Olympians
the center of Greek mythology is the pantheon of deities who were said to live
on Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. From their perch, they ruled
every aspect of human life. Olympian gods and goddesses looked like men and
women (though they could change themselves into animals and other things) and
were–as many myths recounted–vulnerable to human foibles and passions.
The twelve main Olympians are:
(Jupiter, in Roman mythology): the king of all the gods (and father to many)
and god of weather, law and fate
(Juno): the queen of the gods and goddess of women and marriage
(Venus): goddess of beauty and love
(Apollo): god of prophesy, music and poetry and knowledge
(Mars): god of war
(Diana): goddess of hunting, animals and childbirth
(Minerva): goddess of wisdom and defense
(Ceres): goddess of agriculture and grain
Dionysus (Bacchus):
god of wine, pleasure and festivity
Hephaestus (Vulcan):
god of fire, metalworking and sculpture
(Mercury): god of travel, hospitality and trade and Zeus’s personal messenger
(Neptune): god of the sea
gods and goddesses sometimes included in the roster of Olympians are:
(Pluto): god of the underworld
(Vesta): goddess of home and family
(Cupid): god of sex and minion to Aphrodite
Greek Mythology: Heroes and Monsters
mythology does not just tell the stories of gods and goddesses, however. Human
heroes–such as Heracles, the adventurer who performed 12 impossible labors for
King Eurystheus (and was subsequently worshiped as a god for his
accomplishment); Pandora, the first woman, whose curiosity brought evil to
mankind; Pygmalion, the king who fell in love with an ivory statue; Arachne,
the weaver who was turned into a spider for her arrogance; handsome Trojan
prince Ganymede who became the cupbearer for the gods; Midas, the king with the
golden touch; and Narcissus, the young man who fell in love with his own
reflection–are just as significant. Monsters and “hybrids” (human-animal forms)
also feature prominently in the tales: the winged horse Pegasus, the horse-man
Centaur, the lion-woman Sphinx and the bird-woman Harpies, the one-eyed giant
Cyclops, automatons (metal creatures given life by Hephaestus), manticores
and unicorns, Gorgons, pygmies, minotaurs, satyrs and dragons of all sorts.
Many of these creatures have become almost as well known as the gods, goddesses
and heroes who share their stories.
Greek Mythology: Past and Present
characters, stories, themes and lessons of Greek mythology have shaped art and
literature for thousands of years. They appear in Renaissance paintings such as
Botticelli’s Birth of Venus and Raphael’s Triumph of Galatea and writings like
Dante’s Inferno; Romantic poetry and libretti; and scores of more recent
novels, plays and films.
Such a informative topic