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Coronavirus Essay for, FA, FSc, BA, BSc classes


Coronavirus Essay

Out lines:

1. Coronavirus is a newly discovered species of viruses.

2. This virus circulates in animals and enters in human beings.

3. The early symptoms include coughing, sneezing, cold, flu, and fever.

4. In mainland China, at least three thousand people died and at least 90400 have been infected according to official figures.

5. It is thought that COVID-19 might have originated in the seafood market in Wuhan, China.

6. WHO Officials visited China to investigate the Outbreak on February 10, 2020.

7. WHO recommends basic hygiene such as washing hands with soap and water and covering your mouth.



Coronavirus is a newly discovered species of viruses that have become a hot issue globally. The virus causes cough, flu, and fever and it rapidly destroys the respiratory system which leads to the death of the person.

The virus circulates in animals and it enters into humans through animal contact. But This Conorna virus, which has taken serious attention is named COVID-19.

After entering into humans through air, food, and water, it passes from the respiratory canal and enters into the lungs where it starts an infection. The early symptoms include coughing, sneezing, cold, flu, and fever. Then it produced breathing difficulties damaging the lungs.

In severe cases, it can cause pneumonia, multiple organ failure, and death. The incubation period of the virus is thought to be between 1 and 14 days it is contagious before symptoms appear. There are no prompt symptoms soon after the virus enters the human systems. In mainland China, at least three thousand people died and at least 90400 have been infected according to official figures. Deaths have also been confirmed in Hongkong, Philippine, Japan, France, Taiwan, Iran and South Korea. Cases have been confirmed in Australia, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Egypt, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Israel, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand UAE, UK the US, Pakistan, and Finland.

China alerted the WHO two cases of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan on December 31, 2019. It is thought that COVID-19 might have originated in the seafood market in Wuhan, China. This market is famous for seafood wildlife trade.

Chinese researchers claimed that pangolins, which are illegally trafficked to China from Asia, might be the original source of the virus. The scientists have pointed to either bats or snakes as the possible source.

Efforts to contain the outbreak have caused disruption in China with some 20 cities facing travel restrictions affecting at least 30 million people. Many countries immediately evacuated their citizens from Wuhan as soon as the Virus outbroke. Many countries have banned Chinese citizens from traveling there. Several airlines suspended their operations to China. China itself cut the contact of 7 most affected cities to the rest of the country. WHO Officials visited China to investigate the Outbreak on February 10, 2020. They declared the Virus a global issue and a health emergency. Now it has become a hot issue on international and local media. In Pakistan, the 1st two cases were reported on February 26, 2020. WHO recommends basic hygiene such as washing hands with soap and water and covering your mouth with your elbow when sneezing coughing, maintaining social distancing, keeping one-meter distance between yourself and others especially when they cough and sneeze.

Other measures include void touching your face, eyes, and mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid unnecessary and unprotected contact with animals and be sure to wash your hands after contact. Ensure meat consumed is cooked thoroughly. We should urge the messes to follow local safety measures besides these measures.


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