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General essay for Multiple topics by Sir Qasim Nazar


General essay for Multiple topics

This essay can fit in the following topics:

1. Leisure2. Cleanliness3. Self-Reliance4. Morality5. Honesty6. Charity7. Happiness8. Good manners9. Dignity of Labour / Work10. National Unity11. Value of Discipline12. Contentment13. Knowledge is Power14. Optimism15. Hope16. Friendship17. Impact of Education18. College Life19. Pakistani Culture on Society20. Media-Press or Electronic Media21. Islam22. Education\Education for all23. Advertising24. Life is a struggle25. Importance of Reading26. Ideal Student27. Spare Time28. Power of Electronic Media29. Cloture of tolerance30. Childhood31. Old Parents32. Working Women33. Media and Society34. Computer Revolution.


1. Introduction.
2. What is ______________?
3. Definition of _____________
4. Life without _______________ has no significance.
5. Life without _______________ is like a ship without rudder.
6. _____________ is out of the greatest gifts of God.
7. It is ____________ that sustains the balance of social life.
8. It induces man to do great things.
9. Various advantages and benefits.
10. Conclusion.

The essay with quotations

_____________ has great significance and value in man’s world. Man’s life seems to be incomplete without it. It is acknowledge that _____________ has become the integral part of today’s man. Our condition in life becomes easy and comfortable. It sustains life as bread does. It _______________ that gives us strength, energy and determination. It creates an incentive to work.

Therefore, it is inevitable is the life of an individual and in society. It is said:

“A Contented mind is the blessing a man can enjoy in this world. “(Joseph Addison)

Life without _____________ is like a ship without a rudder. Just as it is impossible for a ship to sail over the sea without a rudder. In the same way, it becomes difficult for a man to get through the passage of life heroically without ____________. It is _____________ that helps a man to put the flag of triumph high. Man can raise the standard of life and can attain peace and prosperity. Life is sure to become a hopeless wreck, if it is without ______________. Benjamin says.

“As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information.”

____________ can become the crown and glory of human life. The whole universe can be ruled and governed by ________________. We can acquire this gift of God Almighty by dint of devotion, purity of though and sincerity of heat. All human beings whether it is rich or poor, upper or lower. Black or white needs to adopt _____________. So it is the destination of all mankind the part that____________ in life can never be fully estimated or enjoyed.__________ is therefore one of the greatest gifts that God has bestowed upon us.

________ is a secret and mystery of happy and successful life. The past history of man society, religiously or culturally reveals that it has provided great success to the man. When __________ as basic principle of their lives.

“No human being, however great, or powerful, was ever so free as a fish.” (John Ruskin)

Human life is the combination of opposites. Every picture of life gives different. Shades of colors. When we concentrate on one side of picture. The other side may be ignored or hidden. Necessary in human life and ____________ maintains the balance in human’s life. It gives us great benefits.

Life, whether it is of individual or a collective, is a chain of trials. Sorrows and adversities are part of life. Very often man is disheartened. It is ______________ that come to his rescues and inspires him. ______________ teaches patience and endurance.

____________ helps us in the acquisition of wealth, rank and reputation. It matures our understanding and wisdom. It matures us better, happier and more useful.

We may conclude, _________________ is significant for the success and glory of life. Both individual and the nation rely upon it. Importance of ___________ is now self-evident. We can follow the principle of _________. Indeed _________ is the discipline for the avenue of life.

“The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.” (Disraeli, British Politician)



Essay 2

1. Poverty2. Over-population3. Bribery4. Corruption5. Pollution6. Inflation7. Beggary8. Economic Crisis9. Illetracy10. Smuggling11. Unemployment12. Terrorism13. Nepotism14. Drug Addiction15. Economic Crisis


_______ is a major problem in backward and developing countries. It indicates our moral, social and religious downfall. It is shameful that in spite of being a nuclear power, we are far behind other nations in the way of morals and faith. Many factors are responsible for _______. Illiteracy, false ideas of society are the major cause of this social evil. However, a close analysis reveals that craze for wealth and power in the base of all kinds of ________. People have become greedy and selfish. They do not know the virtue of love, sympathy, and sacrifice.

_______ have become the most important problem of all the third world countries like Pakistan. It is full of the danger of evil impacts. It destabilizes and demoralizes the nations and gives birth to depression and frustration in the society and state. It creates and spreads the feelings of uncertainty, instability, and insecurity among the masses. If it creeps in society, it eats into its vitals and some root out its inner strength. it destroyed it out splendor, economic prosperity, social peace, and national unity. Consequently, a nation's image is spoiled in the whole world.

Lawlessness becomes the order of the day due to poverty, corruption, violence, indiscipline and mass illiteracy. it is not effectively, properly and promptly checked. A nation's judicial, moral and economic parameter will be collapsed. _______ is highly dangerous and destructive for an economically weak and politically unstable country like Pakistan. If the evil of _______ is not nipped in the bud it may spread like a bush fire and engulf the whole nation or region like an epidemic. _______ badly shatters people faith in institutions and supremacy of the constitution. it deprives masses form mental, physical spiritual, moral and economic health. It also paves the way for bloody revolutions and military take-overs.

The main causes of ______ are illiteracy, poverty, economic policies of the government and man's burning desire to become rich and bigwig overnight. ______ creates economic pressure and social and economic injustice. Feudalism, capitalism and inequitable distribution of wealth and opportunities, unavailability of requisites of life and fundamental rights also spread _______. Unavailability of education, health care, and jobs also paves the way to spread ________. External factors such as foreign agents and agencies play a role in spreading _________ for the sole purpose of destabilizing Pakistan.

In the end, we can say that our officers, as well as the scholars, educationists, the political parties, NGO and national mass media, should contribute to uproot this problem for the safety and well being of the common man. Only then we can truly become a free dignified nation.



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