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second year lesson test

`Test: Lesson # 2
Name __________________________ Date________________ Total Marks __________________
Select the correct option:
1.      Nervous habits are not easy to uproot.
a)      Get rid of         b) nurture         c) appreciate    d) like
2.      There is no substitute of health.
a)      Attitude            b) alternate       c) aptitude        d) option
3.      A few lazy bluffers also drift into college.
a)      Cheaters           b) friends         c) foes                         d) students
4.      The anticipation was always worse than reality.
a)      Expectation      b) corruption    c) removal       d) exception
5.      He finally wins the such controversy.
a)      Agreement       b) proposal      b) corruption    d) dispute
Answer the following question:
1.      What is the job or duty of the college dean?
2.      There some boys who have done well at school but fail to make their mark at college. Who are they?
3.      How can the failure of talented students be prevented?
4.      Who are the lazy bluffers?
5.      How does financial pressure lead to the failure of the students?

Test: Lesson # 3
Name __________________________ Date________________ Total Marks __________________
Select the correct option:
6.      Nervous habits are not easy to uproot.
b)      Get rid of         b) nurture         c) appreciate    d) like
7.      There is no substitute of health.
b)      Attitude            b) alternate       c) aptitude        d) option
8.      A few lazy bluffers also drift into college.
b)      Cheaters           b) friends         c) foes                         d) students
9.      The anticipation was always worse than reality.
b)      Expectation      b) corruption    c) removal       d) exception
10.  He finally wins the such controversy.
b)      Agreement       b) proposal      b) corruption    d) dispute
Answer the following question:
6.      What is the job or duty of the college dean?
7.      There some boys who have done well at school but fail to make their mark at college. Who are they?
8.      How can the failure of talented students be prevented?
9.      Who are the lazy bluffers?
10.  How does financial pressure lead to the failure of the students?
Lesson# 4
 Name __________________________ Date________________ Total Marks __________________
Select the correct option:
1.      I would savour my heaviness with a conscious relish.
a)      joy                   b) taste             c)mirth             d)fun
2.      The maid servant walked with grim steps.
a)      Wanton                        b) vivid                        c) horrible        d)light
3.      Three strenuous terms at last ended.
a)      beautiful          b)long              c) tough                       d)easy
4.      On Friday the writer walked with the tread of an escaped prisoner.
a)      Freed               b) oppressed    c) humiliated    d) captured  
5.      I could look forward to a period of felicity.
a)      Freedom          b) choice          b) failure          d) happiness
Answer the following questions:
1.      What does Daiches attitude towards the weekend as a school boy?
2.      How did Daiches spend his summer holidays?
3.      What are the things he longed for but he could not have?
4.      What does Daiches do with his pocket money?
5.      What were the unexpected respites?
 Name __________________________ Date________________ Total Marks __________________
Select the correct option:
1.      I fervently hoped an air of rumination and unconcerned.
a)      Care freeness         b) carelessness             c) thoughtfulness         d) disturbance
2.      It is sometimes difficult to find a scaffold for them.
a)      Pillow        b) bullet           c) room                        d) gibbet  
3.      In some cases, one imagine, such indigestible get into the parcels by accidents.
a)      nasty          b)colourfil       c) unreal                      d) dull
4.      It was publically stated the other day that some people were sanding the oddest things.
a)      valuable     b) ablest           c) queer/ strange          d) valueless
5.      It would be interested to inspect them.
a)      Go through            b) offend         b) annoy          d) purify
Answer the following questions:
1.      How did the writer decide to get rid of useless books?
2.      How did he muster up courage at last to fling them into the river?
3.      What does J. C. Squire mean by the phrase, “Non-bookish people?”
4.      Why should the bad books be destroyed?
5.      Was it in interest in soldiers that prompted people’s action or was it the wish to get rid of useless books?
Use the following idioms in the sentences of your own:
            A hard pill to swallow, a jail bird, dark horse, a bolt from the blue, a black sheep

Lesson# 6
 Name __________________________ Date________________ Total Marks __________________
Select the correct option:
1.      I begin to indolently study diseases.
a)      Lazily        b) comfortably             c) seriously      d) eagerly  
2.      What an acquisition I should be to a class.
a)      doctor        b) friend          c) worth acquiring        d) patient 
3.      He sat and pondered over his problem.
a)      saw            b)thought         c) ignored                    d) rejected
4.      I never read a patent medicine advertisement without being impelled to the conclusion that suffering from the particular disease there in dealt with in its most virulent form.
a)      Toiled        b) chirped        c) pushed         d) pulled
5.      The diagnosis seems in every case to correspond exactly with all the sensation.
a)      Attach        b) lead                         c) define          d) compatible
Answer the following questions:
1.      What is the significance of the doctor’s advice: don’t stuff your head things you don’t understand?
2.      What was the prescription given to him by the doctor?
3.      Was he pleased to find that he didn’t have it?”
4.      Why did the writer call himself a hospital?
5.      Describe Jerome K Jerome’s visit to the chemist?
Use the following idioms in the sentences of your own:
            Above board, add fuel to fire, all and sundry, bad blood, at large

Name __________________________ Date________________ Total Marks __________________
Select the correct option:
1.      The manager thought that I was a detective.
a)      Manger      b) baron           c) spy   d) millionaire
2.      When I got into the bank, I get rattled.
a)      happy        b) proud           c) confused                  d) pleased   
3.      The people in the bank had the impression that I was an invalid millionaire.
a)      Handicapped         b)impracticable                        c) feeble  d) proud
4.      I was too far gone to reason now.
b)      Wangle      b) fight                         c) call               d) argue
5.      I caught the echo of a roar of laughter that went up to the ceiling of the bank.
a)      resonance  b) pain                         c) intimation    d) idea
Answer the following questions:
1.      After this misadventure the bank where did Leacock keep his money?
2.      Describe two blunders that the writer made in the bank.
3.      Why did Stephen Leacock go the bank?
4.      What was the reaction of the employees when Stephen Leacock left the bank?
5.      How was his account opened?
Use the following idioms in the sentences of your own:
            Bring to book, by fits and starts, come by, by hook or by crook, die in harness

Name __________________________ Date________________ Total Marks __________________
Select the correct option:
1.      Mao said, “Instead of things, people are decisive.”
a)      Insignificant           b) trivial           c) unimportant d) influential
2.      The Chinese peasant does not flee to the cites.
a)      See             b) escape         c) point            d) welcome 
3.      It involves an utterly different tactic.
a)      Malt           b)rebuff           c) approach                  d) scan
4.      The occidental countries launched a warm hug to china.
a)      Northern    b) southern      c) eastern         d) western
5.      One fourth of mankind enclosed in the world’s third largest country was brought out.
a)      Disclosed   b) developed    b) entertained   d) settled
Answer the following questions:
1.      What is decentralization?
2.      How has the population of the cities been controlled in china?
3.      What are the social security benefits provided in china?
4.      How does china rely on its own resources?
5.      Write a note on Chinese student?
Use the following idioms in the sentences of your own:
            Come across, call a spade a spade, face the music, fall flat, for a rainy day

Name __________________________ Date________________ Total Marks __________________
Select the correct option:
1.      A tremendous population explosion is taking place.
a)      Dangerous             b)rapid             c) huge             d)tragic
2.      The port could not cope with all the chips bringing cargoes.
a)      Passengers             b)food                         c) goods           d) weapons
3.      Poaching for the poor from the royal forest.
a)      hunting      b)stealing         c) earning                     d) bagging  
4.      corn is scarce and food is lacking.
a)      Costly        b) short            c) abundant                  d) available
5.      Widespread disaster was only averted by the previous compulsory storage of food.
b)      Hunger       b) famine         b) sufferings    d) destruction
Answer the following questions:
1.      What are the stories of Robin Hood about?
2.      What was the condition of hungry children in Kenya?
3.      What does hungry mean on a large scale as viewed by the author?
4.      Describe some great famines of the past.
5.      How do famines occur?

Name __________________________ Date________________ Total Marks __________________
Select the correct option:
1.      The third Abdul-Rehman, like his illustrious predecessor, was a young man.
a)      powerful    b) great                        c) brave                       d) fearless
2.      He administered them with sagacity and ability.
a)      wisdom      b) power          c) skill             d) love
3.      The fame of the Muslim capital penetrated to distant Germany.
a)      Received    b)accepted       c) spread          d) annoyed
4.      He molded his coinage on the Eastern pattern.
a)      education   b) building       c) societies       d) system of coins
5.      His agents ransacked the book shops of Alexandria.
a)      Robbed      b) bought         b) searched      d) attacked
Answer the following questions:
1.      How was the governor dealt by Abdul-Rehman?
2.      What did Abdul-Rehman do to make himself strong and to beautify his country?
3.      What did Al-Hakim do to promote learning and scholarship in the kingdom?
4.      What kind of plants did Abdul-Rehman introduced in his palace?
5.      Give an account of the early career of Abdul-Rehman I, his dramatic escape and his adventures in Africa.


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