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Showing posts from June, 2020

Using the Scientific Method (Darrel Bernard & Lon Edwards)

 Summary This is an informative and non-fiction essay by Darrel Bernard and Lon Edwards. The writers have explained the ways our lives have been changed by the use of scientific method. The writers tell that we have greatly benefitted from the use of scientific method. We have had a better control of diseases. Science has discovered the cause of diseases. We are now given vaccines against the diseases. The new diagnostic methods have helped us treat many diseases. as a result, our life chances have increased. Our sanitary conditions have become good. Only a hundred years ago, our cities faced numerous sanitary problems which have been addressed by using the scientific method. Today our cities are paved, well-drained, and they are cleaned regularly.  A century ago it was common practice in many cities by the  bucketful for household use. Water had to be carried considerable  distance from the well to the home. It was, therefore, used very  sparingly ...

The Dying Sun (Sir James Jeans)

Summary "The Dying Sun" is an exploratory essay by Sir James Jeans. Tn this essay, He describes the size of the sun as compared to the earth and the universe. He says that there are countless stars in the universe and most of them are bigger than the sun. The stars travel in the universe million miles away from each other and they rarely come close.  Sir James Jeans seems to believe big bang theory of the creation of the earth and other planets of our solar system. He says that some two thousand millions years ago a wandering star came near the sun. Its gravitational pull creates a huge tide on the surface of the sun. it became so huge that it burst and its pieces fell in the space. So these torn pieces of our sun began to move around the sun. These are the planets of which our earth is one. Therefore our earth and other planets came into being as a result of a rare accident. The write narrates how the life started on the earth. He says that he doesn't exa...

Simple/Indefinite Present Tense II by Sir Qasim II in Urdu & Hindi

PARTS OF SPEECH I Preposition,Conjunction,Interjection I By Sir Qasim I ...

PARTS OF SPEECH I Preposition,Conjunction,Interjection I By Sir Qasim I ...

PARTS OF SPEECH II Verb, Adjective, Adverb II By Sir Qasim II in Urdu/ H...

Preface to Lyrical Ballads: Wordsworth

Wordsworth: Preface to Lyrical Ballads Objectives The objectives of this unit are: Ø    to explain the concept of the Romantic Revival Ø   to familiarize with the impact of the French Revolution on Romantic critical tradition Ø   to make aware of the genesis of the Preface to the Lyrical Ballads Ø   to let them know key concepts conversed in the Preface to the Lyrical Ballads Ø   to clarify Wordsworth's views on themes, subject matter, function & diction of poetry Introduction Much before William Wordsworth started writing,the early Romantic poets like James Thomson (1700-48),Oliver Goldsmith (1728-74),Thomas Chatterton (1752-70),Thomas Gray (1716-71),William Collins-59),William Cowper (1731-1800),George Crabbe (1754-1832),Robert Burns (1759-95), and William Blake (1757-1827) deviated from the neo-classic insistence on rules. Wordsworth is perhaps the only romantic poet who made his poetic experiences the locus of his critical disco...

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